Materi Dan Soal Bahasa Inggris Expressing Opinion Kelas 7 Smp

Materi dan Soal Bahasa Inggris Expressing Opinion Kelas  Materi dan Soal Bahasa Inggris Expressing Opinion Kelas 7 SMP

Hi good people ! bertemu lagi dengan kami di Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membahas bahan asking and giving opinion. Sebelum kita melangkah lebih jauh lagi, kita harus mengetahui definisi dari opinion. What is the meaning of opinion? Ya! kau benar sekali, opinion dalam bahasa indonesia berarti opini yang maknanya  pendapat atau pandangan maupun anggapan seseorang terhadap suatu kejadian atau permasalahan tertentu. Namun pandangan atau opini seseorang sanggup jadi berbeda-beda. Hal ini tergantung dari sudut pandang yang dipakai oleh masing-masing orang.

Baca Juga : Materi dan Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Asking and Giving Fact' Kelas 7 SMP

Berikut ini yaitu Ciri - Ciri Opinion
  • Kurang sanggup untuk dibuktikan kebenarannya
  • Bersifat Objektif
  • Berdasarkan perasaan, perkiraan, atau kemungkinan
Contoh Kalimat Expressing Opinion
  • In my opinion.....
  • I think.....
  • What I mean is.....
  • Personally I think.....
  • In my experience.....
  • According to me.....
  • I strongly believe that.....
  • As far as I am concerned.....
  • From my point of view.....
  • As I understand.....
  • As I see it.....
  • I reckon.....
  • I am compelled to say.....
  • By this I mean.....
  • To my mind.....
  • Would like to point out that.....
  • In my humble opinion.....
Agreeing with an Opinion (Setuju dengan sebuah opini)
  • Of course.
  • This is absolutely right.
  • I agree with this opinion.
  • I couldn't agree more.
  • I agree with what you are saying.
  • I agree, I never thought of that.
  • Neither do I.
  • That's a good point.
  • I think so too.
Disagreeing with an opinion (Tidak baiklah dengan sebuah opini)
  • I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
  • I am not sure I agree with you.
  • I don't agree with you.
  • I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
  • I do not believe that.
  • By this I mean.....
  • I disagree with you.
  • I think you are wrong.
  • That's not the same thing at all.
  • It is not justified to say so.
  • I am not convinced that.....
  • I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....
Contoh Bagaimana untuk baiklah dan tidak baiklah pada sebuah opini dalam bahasa inggris
Children below 17
should be given right to drive a motorcycle
I agree with your opinion
I don't agree with you,
it is forbidden to let children under 17 to drive a motorcycle
Parents must giving smartphone to their children
I couldn't agree more with you.
I think it would be harmful to let children use smartphone. Because there are so much bad influence on the internet.
The novel version of Twilight is better than its film
Yes, I agree. The novel version had a many details of story hidden from the film.
That's not the same thing at all.
Instant noodle is good for your health.
I agree with what you are saying.
I am afraid that i have to disagree with you, because instant noodle have many chemical things inside it.
Smoking should be banned in public places.
I totally agree that smoking should be banned in public places.
I am sorry but I tend to disagree with you on this.

Contoh Dialog Expressing Opinion

Alika : Hi Alika, Have you heard about the new cinema in Cimahi.
Nur : Yes I have.
Alika : And what do you think about it?
Nur : I think that it is good have a cinema in our city. So we don't have to go to bandung in just watching a movie. 
Alika : I am sorry but I am not sure about your opinion.
Nur : Why? Then what do you think about it?
Alika : You know it is the very first cinema build in Cimahi right? So i think it will be really crowded because everyone in town will go there to watch a movie.
Nur : Yes, I think you right about it.

Alika: Hai Alika, Pernahkah kau mendengar wacana bioskop gres di Cimahi.
Nur: Ya, saya pernah.
Alika: Dan apa yang kau pikirkan wacana hal itu?
Nur: Saya berpikir bahwa itu yaitu baik mempunyai bioskop di kota ini. Makara kita tidak perlu pergi ke bandung hanya menonton film.
Alika: Saya minta maaf tapi saya tidak yakin wacana pendapat kamu.
Nur: Mengapa? Lalu apa yang kau pikir wacana hal ini?
Alika: Kamu tahu, itu yaitu bioskop yang pertama kali dibentuk di cimahi? Makara saya pikir itu akan benar-benar ramai alasannya yaitu semua orang di kota akan pergi ke sana untuk menonton film.
Nur: Ya, saya pikir kau benar wacana hal itu.

Silahkan download soal bahasa inggris mengenai asking and giving opinion pada link di bawah ini yaa


    Baiklah, cukup sekian bahan expressing opinion kali ini. Semoga sanggup membantu pembelajaran kalian semua. Jangan lupa untuk share artikel ini biar bermanfaat juga bagi sobat kalian. Jika masih ada pertanyaan, jangan ragu ragu untuk bertanya pada kolom komentar di bawah ini. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

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